Joelian's Designer Profile

A Designer's Profile

by Joelian Fudotan

Level 2, C Block, Tawa College,

38 Duncan Street, Wellington,

New Zealand 5028

All Rights Reserved 2017

I'm going to put in some of my Year 10 work in 2017, as I frankly cannot remember most of what I did in Year 9 in 2016. These include the following:

The WOW Project

Wellington hosts the annual creative fashion show, the World of Wearable Art. Founded by Dame Suzie Moncrieff, the show started in 1987, hosted by Nelson, then Wellington. This year's WOW went from the 21st of September to the 8th of October. This task was created on the Adobe Creative Suite, the main components being Illustrator, Photoshop and InDesign. I've managed to create a poster that promotes the event, and a booklet with further details about the event. Both cover of the booklet and poster used Supernova by Christchurch designer Gillian Saunders, which won the 2016 Supreme Award. This was particularly a hard picture, as there was no photo with a transparent background. The costume was carefully cut out, and placed against a black gradient, to highlight Supernova. This attracts the viewer's attention to the marketing material.


Algorithms and Flowchart

In preparation for the Scratch programming unit, we decided to do some work on flowcharts and algorithms. This included stuff like decisions, and what happens when the user presses something. An example of this is if the user presses 'save' on Microsoft Word, the document's data will be stored on the computer, but otherwise, the computer will forget any edits made to the document, and revert the document back to how it looked like when it was saved. So for this we based it on a program that helps a user keep track of his progress to his money-saving goal. This included making a flowchart with decisions and outcomes, and then building a program in Scratch based on the algorithm.


The Scratch game

We then moved on to game programming, using the website Scratch. Developed by the MIT Media Lab in Massachusetts, Scratch is created as an easier entrance into online programming, a stepping stone into HTML and CSS. For this, the class used Scratch to create games. Mine was called "Collect 'Em Taxes". The game had former Prime Minister, Bill English, as the main character, and centers on him going around Wellington to collect any scattered money, which becomes taxes, according to him. He starts at Te Papa, and ventures around the waterfront, Lamton Quay until he gets back to his Beehive office. This wasn't too top notch, as it was largely done according to how I would've preferred, but at least it functions.


Vivian's Veterinary Database

In preparation for the Scratch programming unit, we decided to do some work on flowcharts and algorithms. This included stuff like decisions, and what happens when the user presses something. An example of this is if the user presses 'save' on Microsoft Word, the document's data will be stored on the computer, but otherwise, the computer will forget any edits made to the document, and revert the document back to how it looked like when it was saved. So for this we based it on a program that helps a user keep track of his progress to his money-saving goal. This included making a flowchart with decisions and outcomes, and then building a program in Scratch based on the algorithm.


Designer Profile

To end the year, we started to look at building a website, starting with HTML, then going onto CSS. After finishing the introduction presentation guides, we started exploring as to how we can customise our websites. I chose to model my website's colour palette based on the Wellington City Council's APW Brand guidelines, released in 2014 after the unveiling of their new logo. It is basically my online portfolio, showing who I am, my background, my selected past work and skills in software. The main font family used is Roboto Condensed, a version of Google's system font Roboto, and a very versatile font. In fact, this website is designed solely for the purpose of a Designer Profile assessment.
